Recover Reality!

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Depth Beats Breadth

Regular attendance at a support group is usually portrayed as essential to maintaining one's sobriety. You may be encouraged to look for a meeting which has a lot to people, a variety of speakers, off road parking and great coffee.  Sounds like a plan! 

Contrast this with a meeting which is less attractive - few speakers, sparsely attended, on road parking and generic coffee.

Which would you rather attend?  All depends on your purpose.  If it's "all about you", by all means, go the big group!

If you've learned that "it's about others", you'll commit yourself to the needy, the unconnected people who could use your maturity and leadership.

You will then have to opportunity to teach them the truth about support groups.

You will teach them that their group attendance is valuable because it's the first phase of establishing  positive relationships. Relationships which can only be  developed outside the meetings.

That's right. Outside the meetings - for breakfast, with the kids a the park, beaching it, etc.

You know.

Only outside the meetings, through the normal activities of life, will you take your acquaintances to another level.

Depth of relationships will beat breadth of relationships every time!

. #Addictionrecovery