The One Big Need
How are you today? What’s your greatest need right now? Pain relief? Conflict resolution? Nightmare prevention?
All three?
Tried detoxes, treatment programs, counseling, medications and self-help groups?
Been told to change your behavior and your “stink’in thinking?” Self-improvement podcasts? Recovery conferences?
Good for awhile then . . . .
Short on hope of ever mastering your addiction and stopping the depression, the chaos?
What if I told you that what your looking for is not to be found in the next new group, program , event or medication?
What you’re seeking cannot be attained or obtained through social interactions or financial transactions.
The One Big Need is an experience which is private, personal and poignant.
It involves only you.
Your suffering has prepared you for this.
It’s story time. No, you’re not going to tell yourself your story.
You have to listen to it.
Bravely enter the portal of your past.
Be still and you’ll hear the voices of those who tried to help you, stop you, change your behavior.
Health, time, money? Foregoing their peace of mind , giving unconditional love.
Feel their fears, their confusion, their hurt.
They were right? Have you taken responsibility for your part?
Do you now understand ? That your recovery from addiction must include their recovery from you?
Your self-conviction will motivate you to stop their pain, resolve their conflicts and prevent their nightmare from becoming reality.
Your recovery is now “other-centered” - no longer fixated on you but on them!
Progressing from preoccupation with sobriety to being available for them!
You’re no longer a victim but a victor!
Your “aftercare” is now taking care of them ever after!
Oh yeah, The One Big Need?
Not a detoxing of our bodies but a defrosting of our hearts.