Recover Reality!

End Your Addiction!

Regain Control of Your Life!

Because It’s Time!

Contact me now at (781) 718-5258 or

Together, we will recover your reality!

Ed Bleu, MA LADC1#501

"To Recover Or To Re-calibrate? That is the Question!"

What should be the goal of your self-help meetings? What should be the goal of the intervention programming you are attending?

Should it be to promote your ongoing "recovery" from the "disease" of addiction  or should it be to facilitate the re-calibration of your "moral compass"?  

If you believe you're truly powerless over your addiction and the best label your can ever aspire to is, "recovering addict/alcoholic", then seek continual support for your disease.

If, however, you know that your substance misuse was a series of conscience, poor choices and that only conscience, positive choices can "re-calibrate" your life's trajectory, then seek meetings and counseling which will encourage you to do so.    #Addictionrecovery
