Recover Reality!

End Your Addiction!

Regain Control of Your Life!

Because It’s Time!

Contact me now at (781) 718-5258 or

Together, we will recover your reality!

Ed Bleu, MA LADC1#501

Road Kill !

A highway wears out from the top, but it falls apart from the bottom.  This is another way of saying that the road base determines the service-life of a road.  The base supports everything above it, including traffic.

What is the base or "underlayment" of our current addiction recovery policies and treatment? Why, a medical modal, of course! It is usually stated in a declarative sentence such as: "Addiction is a primary, neuro-bio-psycho-social disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. "     

Well? How's it working?  Yeah, I know...a "medical" problem needs a medical address -triage, treatment, MAT (Methadone/Suboxone) and entry into the culture of life-long recovery!  

“Well, at least people won't die with a needle in their arm!” 

True, but they won't truly live without one either.

Addiction: a medical condition (“Evidence-based”)

or a behavioral decision (Self-evident truth) ?

What does your sense of reality tell you?

Yeah, me too. 

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