Recover Reality!

End Your Addiction!

Regain Control of Your Life!

Because It’s Time!

Contact me now at (781) 718-5258 or

Together, we will recover your reality!

Ed Bleu, MA LADC1#501

"How Does Addiction Start?"

Is it a matter of brain chemistry? Maybe it’s negative environmental factors - poverty, lack of education, single parent home, lack of mobility, etc.

Certainly powerful detriments to establishing and maintaining a pro-social lifestyle. But are these causes or reasons?

Many years ago, naturalist Henry Thoreau wrote an essay condemning the indifference of the Federal and Massachusetts State governments to the existence of the institution of slavery in our country.

Thoreau described the moral descent which precipitated the established and sustained practice of the enslavement of men, women and children this way:

“After the first blush of sin, comes its indifference and from immoral it becomes, as it were, unmoral, and not quite unnecessary to that life which we have made…” - Thoreau (1847)

Slavery was forcibly imposed man upon man.

Today, it is self-imposed - substances to self.

Yes, Henry Thoreau was a naturalist.

He knew the nature of the natural man. #Addictionrecovery (781) 718-5258